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Anxious kids? 8 empowering ways to help
It is normal for children to experience anxiety at some stage in their lives however knowing how to help them to cope with it can be a...

The Lowdown on: Pelvic Floors
We talk to pelvic floor expert Mary Harman to find out what you can do if yours is totally shot - especially those of you who have had...

Why working for the NHS can work for you
A recent post into FAMILY LOWDOWN TIPS & IDEAS about working for the NHS had an astonishing result. Hundreds of members stepped forward...

The Lowdown on: Bedwetting
Bedwetting can be a stressful time for parents and children. We get the lowdown from Tanya Muir, a Sleep Coach & Occupational...

How to look after your dog in warm weather
A dog may be your best friend, but summer isn't theirs. here are some useful tips to make sure your pooch stays cool in the heat. Have...

Why learning to swim is for more than just safety
Swimming lessons can be pricey and any parent that has taken their kids to a public pool will know all about the chaotic dash to pack the...

Kids don't listen? Try these tips so they will
Why is it that whenever you’re trying to have a private conversation without the kids listening in, they suddenly develop supersonic...

5 signs you're ready for another baby
It felt like you’d only just had your first baby and were enjoying getting to know them, when people started asking if you were planning...

The stressed parents guide to understanding your child
Who sometimes feels like their child just 'doesn't listen', 'doesn't learn' a particular skill or habit, or won’t change an unhelpful...

Eye tests, when, why & what to look out for
Honest question: When was the last time you had your eyes tested? Truthfully? Because the reality is that most of us don’t go as...
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